|| electricity ||
|| my valentine ||
|| taecyeon giving roses on da right side of VIP..he just so in love with fans on da right side =)...at one time,die sampai panjat palang to cross to da free seating..so lucky for those yang dapat high five with him..abang RELA yang risau sampai tarik die ;p ||

||frust giler tak dapat amik pic junho,taecyeon & chansung time last speech tu..battery kong trus,malaz nak tukar battery baru..amik la lagi gambar nichkhun juta juta T___T
in the end,chansung bukak baju and throw it to da fan..untunglaa dapat bau peluh chansung >__< ||
da consert was daebak!!jjang!!
even we cant saw da grey metallic sea coz everybody buy a colorful lighstick(NOT ME!)..for diz part,i have to agree dat elf are da bez!!sapphire blue sea all over da stadium!! (suju still on da 1st place,eceh~)
feel so honoured to watch da-cute-nichkhun,da-naughty-wooyoung,da-sexy-chansung,da-macho-taecyeon,da-sepet-junho & da-superb-voice-junsu!!
till now,aku still terbayang their performance biler dengar jek lagu 2PM..
da pervert part is till now,my lil sis & i still can imagine da sexy dance from chansung ;p..too sexy weyh!!juz he can do da dance perfectly coz we observe every member's dance,none can beat him *nose bleeding*
da embarrassing part is i tried da dance back from da concert & compete wif my lil sis on who can do da best same like chansung..so sewel plus angau~ >.<
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