Thursday, September 23, 2010

bezday girl

hepy bezday to me!!
hepy bezday to me!!
hepy bezday to me!!

semoga aku pnjang umo
semoga aku murah rezki
semoga aku grad on time
semoga aku cpt dpt keje & dpt keje yg trbaek pnye
smoga aku cpt kawen =)

on 23rd september 2010
i'm officialy truns 22
not too old ryte
still mude remaje gitu yaww!! =)
(if x,xkn still dpt duit raye kn,hee~
thanx oll xpecially family & frenz for da wishes

for me,oll of them show their loves & still remember me if they wish on my bezday
datz y i really2 appreciate dat
loves,hugs & kisses from me!!

to my kazen hazwani..thanx for diz cute korean bezday song..ske3!!heart it so much!!xper pun hang wish awai,asal hang wish,aku da terharu..;)



♥corcraze♥ said...

anyway,happy birthday again!!

ZaTyouP said...

yela,wani yg introduce lagu nie kt i,u lmbat sgt post kt fb tu,die 2days b4 tu da wish i tau,hehe..